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Using the 4 Tendencies in Coaching with Emily Field, RD

This week on The Less Stressed Life Podcast, we have the macros queen and four time return guest, Emily Field, a registered dietician who teaches a mindful macros approach. Emily is here to share how she uses a personality typing tool called The Four Tendencies in her practice.  Developed by...

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Mind-Body Connection for chronic gut issues with Kari Natwick

This week on The Less Stressed Life Podcast, I have my dear friend, Kari Natwick, who's a registered dietician nutritionist and an integrative and functional nutrition certified practitioner. On this episode, Kari talks about the mind-body connection for chronic gut issues. We talk about how most...

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When fasting is helping vs when it's not, diet variation, weight loss in perimenopause, fasting with your menstrual cycle and improving autophagy with Dr. Mindy Pelz

This week on The Less Stressed Life Podcast, I am excited to be joined by bestselling author, keynote speaker, nutrition and functional health expert,  Dr. Mindy Pelz. In this episode, we dig into how fasting isn't as simple as it sounds, time restrictive versus calorie restrictive fasting,...

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Weight Loss Resistance & Reverse Dieting with Megan Abernathy

This week on The Less Stressed Life Podcast, I am joined by Megan Abernathy. I found Megan on Instagram and felt like her content was a breath of fresh air when people have concerns about body composition and the nuances around it.  We talk about periodized nutrition which includes the...

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The Language of Breath with Jesse Coomer

This week on The Less Stressed Life Podcast, I am joined by Jesse Coomer. Always a teacher, Jesse shares how life changing breathwork can be and breaks down easy and fun breathing techniques for adults and kids. He wants to share that our breathing is a language that we can use to speak to...

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When you’ve got control of everything except your body with Katy Saltsman

This week on The Less Stressed Life Podcast, I am joined by nutritionist, personal trainer and podcaster, Katy Saltsman, who is such an inspiration. In this episode, we discuss how moving your body and nutrition are important for health, but often overlooked is mental and emotional health....

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Is this normal? Libido, night sweats and BC alternatives with Dr. Jolene Brighten

This week on The Less Stressed Life Podcast, I am joined by Dr. Jolene Brighten, who also appeared in episode #112, Post Birth Control Syndrome. Dr. Brighten is back to talk about burning hormonal topics including night sweats, low progesterone and testosterone, hair loss and lots about...

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Acute and chronic parasites and autoimmunity with Elizabeth Yarnell, Traditional Naturopath, CLT

This week on The Less Stressed Life Podcast, I am joined by the delightful Elizabeth Yarnell. In this episode, we discuss Elizabeth's diagnosis of MS, getting parasites in Asia, and the transition of learning how to cook whole foods after growing up on gummy bears and soda and her departure from...

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Tools for trauma & the impact of the subconscious mind on physical health with Chelsea Haines

This week on The Less Stressed Life Podcast, I am joined by Chelsea Haines. I met Chelsea at my friend Kaely's event, Restore and Reconnect, in Austin this past fall. Chelsea's just one of those people who is a ray of sunshine when you meet her. In this episode, we discuss the subconscious...

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Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It with Dr. Brownstein

On our next thyroid episode this week, I am joined by Dr. David Brownstein.  I would say one of my favorite things about him is that he is a storyteller. He uses a lot of case studies in his books, which I love. He tells us his personal story, then we dig into iodine and it's relationship to...

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Thyroid Answers with Dr. Eric Balcavage

Our first episode this week on The Less Stressed Life Podcast, I am joined by Dr. Eric Balcavage.  It’s a GOOD week on the podcast if you are interested in thyroid.  In this episode, we discuss all the things about thyroid physiology. Plus some rapid fire questions at the end from...

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Helping children face fears and anxiety with Dr. Dawn Huebner

This week on The Less Stressed Life Podcast, I am joined by Dr. Dawn Huebner. In this episode, we discuss helping children face their fears, phobias and anxiety. Bonus, this can work for adults too. 


  • Cognitive behavior therapy triangle
  • Exposure based approaches
  • Amygdala vs....
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If you ever feel bloated for no reason or react to random foods, this 12-minute breathing exercise is for you.

This short recording combines several healing modalities, including an intentional breath pattern that signals relaxation to the vagus nerve. This can improve digestive function and immune health, which impacts food reactions, along with many other benefits.

PMID: 30356789

Breathwork Waiver

Breathwork should never be done while driving or in water. Ask your doctor if you have a serious medical condition.