Reset Retreats


Breathwork for Healing and Performance

Breathwork for Healing & Performance

Who taught you how to breathe? 

Did you have a lesson? Or was it just….automatic? 

Do you ever think about your breath? Do you notice when it speeds or slows?
Or… it just on autopilot? 


The truth is, our breath is one of the most underleveraged tools we have for healing and performance. 

It directly impacts our nervous system, which informs our immune system on whether it will stay calm or go haywire. It’s arguably 50% of more of the information going to the immune system, which impacts everything from allergies/eczema, food sensitivities, energy and even cancer. 

 (Scroll to the bottom for more benefits)

I always joke that I was tricked into trying ThetaBreathwork, the specific type of breathwork modality I facilitate for my clients, at a business retreat. 

 It’s not something I would have sought out, but it’s something I needed. 

Maybe you’ve heard that 95% of our day is operating out of the subconscious mind and 5% from the logical or parent brain. 

So why don’t we give our mind the opportunity to be heard instead of constantly reacting on its behalf? 

If it’s creating all the thoughts, why don’t we get into the subconscious more? 

Well, some people do. 

There are evidence-backed stereotypes that Eastern cultures have lower stress levels and dis-ease whereas Western culture (the US especially) have higher stress rates, increasing the potential for all dis-ease and worse, robbing us of happiness and vitality. 

In Eastern cultures, somatic practices (body based, bottom up approaches) like meditation, yoga and breathwork, are often part of daily life and culture. 

In the Western world, we often approach our “problems” with a top down, thinking/logical approach. 

But is that really serving us? Especially when the logical mind is really only in charge 5% of the time or just over 1 hour per day?

ThetaBreathwork is an integrative breathwork practice for multitaskers, those that can’t meditate and want ALL THE BENEFITS of meditation.It’s not an overstatement to say this PARTICULAR form of breathwork changed my life. 

I have tried MANY other forms of breathwork and while it was nice, this particular form just hits different. It’s a combination of Theta healing, guided visualization and 2 breathing patterns meant to quickly move you into a parasympathetic (rest and digest) state.

Theta brainwaves are the brain waves right before Delta (sleep) brainwaves where you can access creativity, healing and memory recall.

That doesn’t mean you’ll be sleepy after ThetaBreathwork (unless that’s what your body needs). You can actually feel incredibly energized, focused and alert after coming out of Theta brainwave state.

Theta brainwaves are the brain waves right before Delta (sleep) brainwaves where you can access creativity, healing and memory recall.

That doesn’t mean you’ll be sleepy after ThetaBreathwork (unless that’s what your body needs). You can actually feel incredibly energized, focused and alert after coming out of Theta brainwave state.

Each session is totally different.

Sometimes I can’t “drop in” if it’s been a while since I’ve practiced. 

And other times, especially in longer 30 min sessions, I’ve gotten the answers to big business ideas, sorted out my racing monkey mind, relieved headaches and tension and even seen myself in my mother’s womb. 😳

For someone that ran most of her life as a very logical, matter of fact achiever, I could hardly believe it myself.

My clients have released pains, reduced food sensitivities and allergy symptoms, accelerated healing, birthed new business projects they didn’t know they were called to and found answers, clarity and peace for challenging situations and relationships.

I facilitate breathwork for all my clients, but my dream is reaching the people that don’t think they need it or have time for it.

Here’s *just a few benefits* of breath and breathwork:

  • Regulates inflammation levels
  • Removes blocks and unclutters the brain for clarity and growth 
  • Stimulates lymph flow (impacts drainage/detoxification) through diaphragmatic stimulation
  • Improves ATP production by 15x (increasing energy/healing adrenals) and impacts mitochondrial metabolism 
  • Activates parasympathetic nervous system (allowing you to rest & digest, heal)
  • Relieves tension and stimulations circulation 
  • Influences heart rate and blood/tissue pH, blood pressure and vasculature 
  • Helps manage unsettled feelings and release negative thoughts and worry
  • Improves control over anger, irritability, impatience and overreaction 
  • Helps you access deeper levels of relaxation and connection to your true self 
  • Promotes a greater sense of presence, awareness, creativity, love and self esteem. 
  • Strengthens connection with God, Spirit and higher power 
  • Empowers and motivates action 
  • Informs your nervous system on which organ functions (digestion, etc) to suppress or activate 
  • Promotes blood flow to your abdominal cavity, which can influence hormone production, digestion, detoxification and energy
  • Positively impacts immune system 

I facilitate breathwork for all my clients, but my dream is reaching the people that don’t think they need it or have time for it.

Here’s *just a few benefits* of breath and breathwork:

  • Regulates inflammation levels
  • Removes blocks and unclutters the brain for clarity and growth 
  • Stimulates lymph flow (impacts drainage/detoxification) through diaphragmatic stimulation
  • Improves ATP production by 15x (increasing energy/healing adrenals) and impacts mitochondrial metabolism 
  • Activates parasympathetic nervous system (allowing you to rest & digest, heal)
  • Relieves tension and stimulations circulation 
  • Influences heart rate and blood/tissue pH, blood pressure and vasculature 
  • Helps manage unsettled feelings and release negative thoughts and worry
  • Improves control over anger, irritability, impatience and overreaction 
  • Helps you access deeper levels of relaxation and connection to your true self 
  • Promotes a greater sense of presence, awareness, creativity, love and self esteem. 
  • Strengthens connection with God, Spirit and higher power 
  • Empowers and motivates action 
  • Informs your nervous system on which organ functions (digestion, etc) to suppress or activate 
  • Promotes blood flow to your abdominal cavity, which can influence hormone production, digestion, detoxification and energy
  • Positively impacts immune system

Are you ready to try it yourself? 

Inhale clarity. Inhale healing. Exhale stress.


I host 2 or more live Thetabreathwork sessions for healing and performance per month for my clients. Plus they get a vault of past sessions themed on relationships, buffering, boundaries, balance, manifestation, releasing stored emotions (causing physical symptoms) and more.

My goal for clients is to take them through frameworks and explore tools for achieving 50-80%+ of their goals in a few months and show them how to continue to heal on their own so they don’t need me. 

Breathwork for your corporate or community event? Fill out this form. ➜

Are you ready to try it yourself? 

Inhale clarity. Inhale healing. Exhale stress.


I host 2 or more live Thetabreathwork sessions for healing and performance per month for my clients. Plus they get a vault of past sessions themed on relationships, buffering, boundaries, balance, manifestation, releasing stored emotions (causing physical symptoms) and more.

My goal for clients is to take them through frameworks and explore tools for achieving 50-80%+ of their goals in a few months and show them how to continue to heal on their own so they don’t need me. 

Breathwork for your corporate or community event? Fill out this form. ➜

It’s almost unbelievable that there is this much untapped power and potential within each of us. ✨ 

If we could package it in a pill, it’s a multi-billion dollar modality.
We just need someone to help us unlock it.

It’s almost unbelievable that there is this much untapped power and potential within each of us. ✨ 

If we could package it in a pill, it’s a multi-billion dollar modality.
We just need someone to help us unlock it.

Nutrition & Podcast


The sustainable way to helping you heal yourself.

Nutrition & Podcast


Helping you heal yourself, sustainably.