Reset Retreats

Hi, I'm Christa.

functional medicine nutritionist & podcast host


I help health-conscious women reduce inflammation & symptoms to live a less stressed life. 


Hi, I'm Christa.

functional medicine nutritionist & podcast host


I help health-conscious women reduce inflammation & symptoms to live a less stressed life. 

Unique nutritional approaches overcome inflammation

Go front row in our functional medicine practice + Learn more about overcoming food reactions, fatigue & inflammation.

Listen to & Subscribe to the Podcast

Restore your gut health, immune system & energy in a supportive community of women.

Fix Food Sensitivities and Fatigue

Learn more about supporting the body's master detox pathways and get a clear plan for optimal support.

Detox Masterclass

I’ve been in your shoes.

Years ago I experienced a massive flare of eczema all over my neck and face. 


  1. Ignoring stress from career change and raising a new family.
  2. Ignoring mild gut symptoms: throat clearing after I ate, burping, not pooping daily, itchy scalp.
  3. A straw that broke the camel’s back (prolonged environmental toxin exposure).

    I woke up to my body screaming for help one morning in the form of a disfiguring rash.


My body probably saying, “Can’t ignore me now!


I thought I knew exactly what to do to take care of my health---I mean, I spent 6 years in school studying anatomy and biochem, ate all the veggies and made kombucha on the weekends.

I thought I was the picture of health

But my eczema flare revealed it wasn’t as good as I thought. And actually, I was accidentally making things worse by doing things half-ass in the wrong order


I hit a low

experimenting with food sensitivity testing, restricting my diet and then reacting worse to foods than before when I reintroduced.

I’ll never forget eating a handful of pecans and my eye swelling almost immediately. I never remembered having food sensitivities in the past and I had made the situation worse. 😳

I was confused, worried and in pain. And that wasn't all....

Inflammation also created unnecessary fatigue for me.

I would be tired after things I shouldn't be tired after, like eating lunch and drinking coffee! 

I didn't have the energy or stamina or give-a-damn to clean the house or cook dinner after work. 

As a health professional, I knew something was majorly wrong to have a flare like this. 

I tried to find an expert to help me and saw doctors, naturopaths and other “healers”. But no one had great answers for me except for the standard shallow toolbox. 

Feeling desperate 😭, I dove deep into research, testing and trials to find the root causes of my symptoms.

By calming my immune system and repleting deficiencies, I cleared my rash, improved my energy and quit living like a hangry bear that wouldn't be without 10 snacks packed everywhere I went!

I hit a low

experimenting with food sensitivity testing, restricting my diet and then reacting worse to foods than before when I reintroduced.

I’ll never forget eating a handful of pecans and my eye swelling almost immediately. I never remembered having food sensitivities in the past and I had made the situation worse. 😳

I was confused, worried and in pain. And that wasn't all....

Inflammation also created unnecessary fatigue for me.

I would be tired after things I shouldn't be tired after, like eating lunch and drinking coffee! 

I didn't have the energy or stamina or give-a-damn to clean the house or cook dinner after work. 

As a health professional, I knew something was majorly wrong to have a flare like this. 

I tried to find an expert to help me and saw doctors, naturopaths and other “healers”. But no one had great answers for me except for the standard shallow toolbox. 

Feeling desperate 😭, I dove deep into research, testing and trials to find the root causes of my symptoms.

By calming my immune system and repleting deficiencies, I cleared my rash, improved my energy and quit living like a hangry bear that wouldn't be without 10 snacks packed everywhere I went!

I turned my health around.
And you can too.

I healed (thank you GOD!) and became obsessed with helping clients get great results too! ……..Without restrictive, long term, one-size-fits all diets or a never ending slog of supplements. 


Now, I host The Less Stressed Life podcast to show you that there’s ALWAYS another way to fix a problem and have proven programs governed by our core values to be efficient, effective and empowering for women to take control of their own health story


Using holistic strategies, we help women get to the root cause of their symptoms. 


We help them feel confident in their bodies.


So they know how to heal themselves without unnecessary dependence on healthcare or medications.

I turned my health around.
And you can too.

I healed (thank you GOD!) and became obsessed with helping clients get great results too! ……..Without restrictive, long term, one-size-fits all diets or a never ending slog of supplements. 


Now, I host The Less Stressed Life podcast to show you that there’s ALWAYS another way to fix a problem and have proven programs governed by our core values to be efficient, effective and empowering for women to take control of their own health story


Using holistic strategies, we help women get to the root cause of their symptoms. 


We help them feel confident in their bodies.


So they know how to heal themselves without unnecessary dependence on healthcare or medications.


If you aren’t getting answers for your gut issues, eczema, fatigue and food reactions, I can help you find a whole-health, sustainable way to feel better and eliminate your symptoms.


Nutrition Philosophy

The Less Stressed Life  

  • Over restriction is dead
  • Whole food is soul food and fed is best
  • Sustainable, synergistic nutrition is in
    (the opposite of whack a mole supplementation & supplement graveyards)
  • You don’t have to figure it out alone
  • Do your best and leave the rest

Nutrition Philosophy

The Less Stressed Life  

  • Over restriction is dead
  • Whole food is soul food and fed is best
  • Sustainable, synergistic nutrition is in
    (the opposite of whack a mole supplementation & supplement graveyards)
  • You don’t have to figure it out alone
  • Do your best and leave the rest
Emphasis on Family

Experience is one of the greatest educational tools, and my kids and husband inform some of the nuance necessary to support our pediatric & male clients as each has had their own burden of health issues.

Frequent seasonal illness, urinary/bowel dysfunction, skin rashes, hidradenitis suppurativa, slow wound healing, mold toxicity, extreme fatigue, and musculoskeletal issues are just some of the issues we’ve dealt with as a family.

One of our practice goals is for you to become an expert in your own body so you can improve the life of your family with holistic health.

It's time to:

  • Stop stressing about your health, food and missing out on life because you just don’t have the energy
  • Relax about meeting friends for a meal AND be able to choose what you want off the menu.

WITHOUT needing long term, restrictive diets.


You always  have options, even if you think you’ve tried everything.

As a Registered Nurse, I have always considered myself pretty ‘well’ medically. I had even become a health and wellness coach and really learned about how to heal my body with food, but then I hit a wall. I felt like the healthy choices I thought I was making for myself had me spinning on a hamster wheel of fatigue, body aches, puffiness, and weight gain. Even more bizarre, I noticed symptoms with my husband such a constant stuffiness and an odd smell in his nasal cavity. When I started working with Christa and I had the MRT testing done (as a nurse, I had never heard of this) and found that all of the foods that I thought were serving me and that I consumed all the time were the most problematic. Christa used easy to understand analogies to explain that the reason the common foods I consumed (which I thought were healthy) were in fact inflammatory for me – due to a breakdown in my gut lining. I also had a stool test done (again, never knew of this option as a nurse, nor had ever seen a physician order such a test) which was positive for H. Pylori and bacterial imbalances. My first thought was – I am a health and fitness coach – if I thought my health was in ‘good shape’ what does the health of most Americans feel/look like? Christa recommended supplements and dietary changes which benefited me by increasing my energy and focus and decreasing my aches, pains, reflux, and bloating I had been constantly battling. Since I had H. Pylori she even recommended my husband be treated and amazingly enough the odd smell in his nares went away and he admitted to having more energy. The most impressive thing about working with Christa is the wealth of experience and knowledge she has about finding the missing links and treating people naturally vs. just going to your family practice physician and getting the run around of being placed on yet another antibiotic for vague symptoms – which in turn decreases your immunity and breaks down the gut lining. As a health care professional, it pains me to see the way western medicine treatments continually fail and make us sicker. I hope that practitioners like Christa continue to treat others and share their expertise so that people become more aware of listening to their bodies and participating in holistic healthcare.

- HELEN, Registered Nurse

Team Members

Team Members



If you ever feel bloated for no reason or react to random foods, this 12-minute breathing exercise is for you.

This short recording combines several healing modalities, including an intentional breath pattern that signals relaxation to the vagus nerve. This can improve digestive function and immune health, which impacts food reactions, along with many other benefits.

PMID: 30356789

Breathwork Waiver

Do you have inflammation? 

Here’s our guide to 5 labs you should get to find out if the root cause of your food reactions and fatigue is inflammation.


Download our checklist and action plan and find out how to make lasting changes without extreme restrictions. 

You deserve to feel better sooner.

You deserve a less stressed life.

Free from worrying about food reactions and fatigue.

Let's get started
Nutrition & Podcast


The sustainable way to feel better  & eliminate food reactions, fatigue, and inflammation.

Nutrition & Podcast


The sustainable way to feel better  & eliminate food reactions, fatigue, and inflammation.