You deserve to

Boost your energy, heal your body, &

enjoy food again


(WITHOUT restrictive diets, endless supplements, or generic programs that don’t actually help)

You don’t have to remove more foods. You just have to find the root cause of your symptoms, so you can finally fix them — for good. (Yes, it’s possible!)

Join the Waitlist
You deserve to

Boost your energy, heal your body, and

enjoy food again

(WITHOUT restrictive diets, endless supplements, or generic programs that don’t actually help)

You don’t have to remove more foods. You just have to find the root cause of your symptoms, so you can finally fix them — for good. (Yes, it’s possible!)

Join the Waitlist
Let me guess…

You’re a smart, driven woman who can’t figure out why you’re experiencing all these

inexplicable health symptoms.
  • You have low energy that hampers your ability to work, play with your family, and do the things you normally love to do.
  • You suspect you have food sensitivities that result in frequent bloating, gas, burping, indigestion, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, throat clearing, fatigue or other issues.
  • You have trouble falling or staying asleep, no matter how many sleep aids you try. You struggle with skin issues like rashes, eczema, acne, redness, or mouth ulcers that just won’t go away.
  • You SIMPLY DON'T FEEL LIKE YOURSELF — you’ve got trouble focusing, joint or muscle pain, sore knuckles or toes, sinus congestion, hormone issues, the list goes on…

 …Yet none of the doctor’s tests, elimination diets, or DIY solutions you’ve tried have really worked. (At least, not long term.)

How do I know?

Because that’s exactly what my clients used to deal with, too.

(And so did I.)


If you’re like me, you’ve always considered yourself a health-conscious person. But no matter how many foods you restrict, protocols you research, or practitioners you visit, you can’t seem to find the answers for your inflammatory symptoms. And it’s pretty damn frustrating.

That’s why I created a comprehensive program that FIRST addresses the root cause of your issues, and THEN fills in the gaps. Instead of slapping a Band-Aid on your problems, we’ll work together to help you feel (and look) younger, healthier, stronger, and sexier — starting now, and lasting forever.


What if I told you…
You don’t have to feel stuck, confused, worried, or overwhelmed.


  You can feel clear, confident, and in full control of your body.

Look, you’re sharp. You’re used to working hard, supporting your family, and achieving whatever you set your mind to. So the fact that you’ve tried all the supplements, probiotics, enzymes, lab tests, programs, coaches, doctors, and nutritionists… and you STILL don’t feel great? That freaking sucks.

You want to find a personalized plan that actually works — and to be able to follow the steps with ease.

You want someone to take all the puzzle pieces and put them together for you — so you can focus on your work and family instead of trial and error.

You want to finally feel better — so you can fully show up in life.


What if I told you… 
You don’t have to feel stuck, confused, worried, or overwhelmed.


  You can feel clear, confident, and in full control of your body.

Look, you’re sharp. You’re used to working hard, supporting your family, and achieving whatever you set your mind to. So the fact that you’ve tried all the supplements, probiotics, enzymes, lab tests, programs, coaches, doctors, and nutritionists… and you STILL don’t feel great? That freaking sucks.

You want to find a personalized plan that actually works — and to be able to follow the steps with ease.

You want someone to take all the puzzle pieces and put them together for you — so you can focus on your work and family instead of trial and error.

You want to finally feel better — so you can fully show up in life.



Food Sensitivity & Fatigue Freedom

My personalized, all-in-one program to help you see proven results in as little as 4 weeks or less.

(With all the testing, coaching, and empowerment to make those results last for life)

It’s like a one-stop shop for your health — and you don’t even have to leave your house.

Join the Waitlist

Food Sensitivity & Fatigue Freedom

My personalized, all-in-one program to help you see proven results in as little as 4 weeks or less.

(With all the testing, coaching, and empowerment to make those results last for life)

It’s like a one-stop shop for your health — and you don’t even have to leave your house.


Ready to heal your body the holistic way?

You can solve your weird, nitty-gritty, “no-one-has-the-answer-to” symptoms by 75% (or more!) with my

Immune Resilience Protocol.


Did you know food sensitivities, low energy, and skin issues can all be caused by inflammation related to immune system imbalances? That means in order to heal your symptoms, you need to bring your body into balance. And in order to do that, you need to develop resilience to stress. (Because stress is inevitable — but inflammation isn’t!)

That’s why I’ve created the Immune Resilience Protocol: a personalized framework that combines nutrition and the nervous system to help you fix your inflammatory issues. By optimizing the four core organ systems (gut, detoxification, thyroid, and adrenal health), we will heal and nourish your body from the inside out.

The result? Most of my clients reduce symptoms by at least 50–75% in just the first few months of working together. And since I teach you (in smart yet simple terms) the proven frameworks I use, you will be educated and empowered to continue healing, improving, and sustaining your health on your own — so you don’t have to rely on seeing me forever. 


Ready to heal your body the holistic way?

You can solve your weird, nitty-gritty, “no-one-has-the-answer-to” symptoms by 75% (or more!) with my

Immune Resilience Protocol.


Did you know food sensitivities, low energy, and skin issues can all be caused by inflammation related to immune system imbalances? That means in order to heal your symptoms, you need to bring your body into balance. And in order to do that, you need to develop resilience to stress. (Because stress is inevitable — but inflammation isn’t!)

That’s why I’ve created the Immune Resilience Protocol: a personalized framework that combines nutrition and the nervous system to help you fix your inflammatory issues. By optimizing the four core organ systems (gut, detoxification, thyroid, and adrenal health), we will heal and nourish your body from the inside out.

The result? Most of my clients reduce symptoms by at least 50–75% in just the first few months of working together. And since I teach you (in smart yet simple terms) the proven frameworks I use, you will be educated and empowered to continue healing, improving, and sustaining your health on your own — so you don’t have to rely on seeing me forever. 


You are going to feel like yourself again.

M's Only Regret: "We did not do it sooner!"

M’s son had a bad case of eczema. In her own words – her son used to be miserable. They had been fighting eczema since he was a baby.

You can see how much his skin has improved, and they no longer had to apply lotion multiple times a day!  


You are going to feel like yourself again.

M's Only Regret: "We did not do it sooner!"

M’s son had a bad case of eczema. In her own words – her son used to be miserable. They had been fighting eczema since he was a baby.

You can see how much his skin has improved, and they no longer had to apply lotion multiple times a day! 


Common outcomes our clients experience

Here’s how your life could change, too…

  • 50–75% reduction in total symptoms (including “mystery” issues that never had a clear explanation in the past)
  • Better sleep, energy, and mood (all day AND all night long — no caffeine required!)
  • Clearer skin and scalp (including less redness, eczema, and dark circles under your eyes)
  • Your best bowel movements ever (no constipation, loose stool, or alternating of both)
  • Fewer digestive issues (such as cravings, stomachaches, bloating, gas, cramping, burping, nausea, indigestion, heartburn, or “food hangovers”)
  • Increased focus and productivity (even for those dealing with brain fog or ADHD symptoms)
  • Improved sinus problems, headaches, and other pain (including throat clearing, postnasal dripping, itching, and swelling)
  • Balanced hormones (especially for those wanting to have a baby)
  • Less dependence on medications (including antacids, antihistamines, and unnecessary supplements)
  • Enhanced confidence in your health (so you can can enjoy holidays, social functions, and everyday meals without pain, discomfort, or fear that you’ll have to pay for what you ate later)

Common outcomes our clients experience

Here’s how your life could change, too…

  • 50–75% reduction in total symptoms (including “mystery” issues that never had a clear explanation in the past)
  • Better sleep, energy, and mood (all day AND all night long — no caffeine required!)
  • Clearer skin and scalp (including less redness, eczema, and dark circles under your eyes)
  • Your best bowel movements ever (no constipation, loose stool, or alternating of both)
  • Fewer digestive issues (such as cravings, stomachaches, bloating, gas, cramping, burping, nausea, indigestion, heartburn, or “food hangovers”)
  • Increased focus and productivity (even for those dealing with brain fog or ADHD symptoms)
  • Improved sinus problems, headaches, and other pain (including throat clearing, postnasal dripping, itching, and swelling)
  • Balanced hormones (especially for those wanting to have a baby)
  • Less dependence on medications (including antacids, antihistamines, and unnecessary supplements)
  • Enhanced confidence in your health (so you can can enjoy holidays, social functions, and everyday meals without pain, discomfort, or fear that you’ll have to pay for what you ate later)
Hi! I’m Christa Biegler, 


A lot of my clients are a lot like me: high achievers, health professionals, and family gals.


As an Enneagram 3, a registered dietitian with over a decade of experience, and the host of the Less Stressed Life podcast with more than 1M downloads, I love helping others heal — partly because I’ve been in your shoes.

Years ago, I suffered a major eczema outbreak, the result of ignoring other common symptoms that weren’t normal (afternoon energy slumps, throat clearing, occasional skin issues and bloating after eating, etc). I tried EVERYTHING to heal my body… and finally found the root cause. 

In Food Sensitivity and Fatigue Freedom, I combine multiple proven, successful frameworks (including Jeff Bland’s integrative process, Morley Robbins’s root cause protocol, and my own spin on nervous system support) to focus on what actually works for your body in order to function well and feel great.


If you’re ready to work with a functional medicine nutritionist who truly understands where you’re coming from — and how to get where you want to go — I’d be so happy to meet you.

Join the Waitlist
Hi! I’m
Christa Biegler.


A lot of my clients are a lot like me: high achievers, health professionals, and family gals.


As an Enneagram 3, a registered dietitian with more than a decade of experience, and the host of the Less Stressed Life podcast with nearly 1M downloads, I love helping others heal — partly because I’ve been in your shoes.

Years ago, I suffered a major eczema outbreak, the result of ignoring other common symptoms that weren’t normal (afternoon energy slumps, throat clearing, occasional skin issues and bloating after eating, etc). I tried EVERYTHING to heal my body… and finally found the root cause. 

In Food Sensitivity and Fatigue Freedom, I combine multiple proven, successful frameworks (including Jeff Bland’s integrative process, Morley Robbins’s root cause protocol, and my own spin on nervous system support) to focus on what actually works for your body in order to function well and feel great.

If you’re ready to work with a functional medicine nutritionist who truly understands where you’re coming from — and how to get where you want to go — I’d be so happy to meet you.

Join the Waitlist

Consume as much as you want, or graze as needed.


But I include everything you should need for sustainable results.

Our Typical Clients

Usually include women that want to go deep and learn everything and busy women that just want to fast track their results, though you may fall somewhere in the middle and still get great results!

Our Typical Clients

Usually include women that want to go deep and learn everything and busy women that just want to fast track their results, though you may fall somewhere in the middle and still get great results!

Deep Dive


You’re a health-savvy lady who wants to learn everything you can about your body — and how to keep it in balance in a synergistic, sustainable way — so you can best serve your family (and yourself). You might be a health professional or have taken some kind of health certificate, yet you crave a more holistic protocol.

Fast Track


You’re a career-driven woman who has minimal time but needs maximal results. You’ve been failed by the current medical model, and you know there’s a better way. Basically, you want to hire a project manager for your health, so you can resolve your symptoms more efficiently and sustainably.

Join the Waitlist

Details person? Me, too.

Here’s everything you get inside the 5 MONTH program

  • Monthly 1:1 sessions (5) to review tests/symptoms, adjust interventions and eval progress toward your goals (value $2250)
  • Comprehensive functional stool test (completed at home) to find fungal/bacterial/parasitical imbalances and immune dysfunction in your gut that can cause food sensitivities, fatigue, inflammation & more. (value $695)
  • Weekly Q&A with Christa & personalized feedback to answer all your nerdy health questions (value $2625)
  • Bi-monthly breathwork sessions for healing & performance for people that can’t meditate (value $2500)
  • Mineral testing (completed at home) to synergistically replete deficiencies that affect energy, digestion, detox & hormones and help prevent relapse (value $325)
  • Immune Resilience Framework: so you can understand the why/why/how to overcome symptoms sustainably & be the expert of your own health (value $2000)
  • Client portal to get chat support, access all labs, trainings assessments 24/7 (value $695)
  • Professional supplement & lab testing discounts: Get discounted supplements forever (US residents only), understand what you’re taking with clear timeline for completion. (value: save $$$ forever)
  • Forever access to protocols & learning modules (10 point checklist to resolving fatigue and overcoming inflammation, food sensitivities and symptoms)
Total Value: $11,000+


Your Investment:


4 Monthly Payments of





1 Payment of


** Save $200 when paying in full

 Save $6000 when packaged for 5 month program including testing
Join the Waitlist

On the fence? Check out what past clients have to say about working together and results:

Read our Client Success Stories Here
Total Value: $11,000+


Your Investment:


4 Monthly Payments of





1 Payment of


** Save $200 when paying in full

 Save $6000 when packaged for 5 month program including testing
Join the Waitlist

Optional add-ons for

program clients


(Value: $100 – 1,900)

Professional blood tests to assess fatigue markers (without having to beg your doctor for labs they don’t usually run!) at 60% less cost than direct-to-consumer lab companies — and exponentially less than when your insurance doesn’t cover them. 


(Value: $1,000+)

Additional 1:1 support or testing for unique situations that need a little extra TLC, like mold or hormone testing.



"Just in the past two months of working with her and Jenna, we saw huge positive changes..."

" finally feel seen and you finally feel heard, which hasn’t happened for us in quite a while..”

And like I said, it's only been two and a half months and I already noticed such a huge difference."


Want more proof?

"Just in the past two months of working with her and Jenna, we saw huge positive changes..."


" finally feel seen and you finally feel heard, which hasn’t happened for us in quite a while..”


And like I said, it's only been two and a half months and I already noticed such a huge difference."

Want more proof?

You can improve your resilience to it.

Is Food Sensitivity & Fatigue Freedom  right for you?

This IS for you if…  

  • You’re tired of Googling symptoms, buying pills, and trying health experiments that haven’t worked.
  • You’d like to stop restricting your diet and start enjoying all kinds of foods again.
  • You want to feel 100% healthy, vibrant, and confident in your body and skin.

This IS NOT for you if…  

  • You can’t commit to making any changes to your current diet or lifestyle.
  • You expect to see drastic results with quick fixes, not personal responsibility.
  • You aren’t ready to invest in a comprehensive nutrition and personalized coaching program.
Join the Waitlist

Is Food Sensitivity & Fatigue Freedom  right for you?

This IS for you if…  

  • You’re tired of Googling symptoms, buying pills, and trying health experiments that haven’t worked.
  • You’d like to stop restricting your diet and start enjoying all kinds of foods again.
  • You want to feel 100% healthy, vibrant, and confident in your body and skin.

This IS NOT for you if…  

  • You can’t commit to making any changes to your current diet or lifestyle.
  • You expect to see drastic results with quick fixes, not personal responsibility.
  • You aren’t ready to invest in a comprehensive nutrition and personalized coaching program.
Join the Waitlist

Our expectations for you


We aim to be as comprehensive as possible in meeting your health goals, but your success ultimately depends on the effort you put in. If you aren’t ready to commit to a personalized program, or if we determine on your clarity call that we aren’t the best fit for your needs, we would be happy to point you in another direction. Our #1 priority is getting you great results — and while we can’t guarantee the exact results you will see, we CAN guarantee we’ll be as committed to your success as you are!

Our expectations for you

We aim to be as comprehensive as possible in meeting your health goals, but your success ultimately depends on the effort you put in. If you aren’t ready to commit to a personalized program, or if we determine on your clarity call that we aren’t the best fit for your needs, we would be happy to point you in another direction. Our #1 priority is getting you great results — and while we can’t guarantee the exact results you will see, we CAN guarantee we’ll be as committed to your success as you are!

3 Ways we Support you in

Food Sensitivity & Fatigue Freedom

  The Plan  

Self-paced trainings to help you overcome symptoms, increase energy, and confidently understand the science behind our proven process 


 Weekly small-group coaching to get your questions answered by Christa and to mastermind with other brilliant, busy, health-conscious women


Individual appointments with your practitioner to get more effective, personalized protocols for your gut & mineral test results


Start doing what actually helps your body heal.

How it works

Our 5-month program consists of 5 simple steps


ENROLL: Book a case review call and enroll as a client if we determine it’ll be a great fit for your personal health goal. 

TEST: Receive your testing kits in the mail, and send in your lab samples  so we can begin to understand the root cause of your symptoms.

BEGIN: Start completing the self-paced trainings and your personalized protocols, so you can see changes within four weeks (or even immediately).

REFINE: Check in with us weekly or monthly to assess your progress, optimize your plan, and feel completely supported in your personal health journey.

MAINTAIN: Continue learning and building your foundation of synergistic nutrition, so you can feel empowered to maintain results on your own.

Frequently Asked Questions

  More Success Stories  

Elizabeth was able to eat more foods, experience less physical discomfort and reactions, keep her hand eczema at bay through diet and other recommended actions. 


Ashley was severely bloated and felt sluggish. Not only does she feel great about her body now, she is much more equipped in moving forward because she now understands what's going on.


Allison used to have eczema for at least 10 yrs. She started the new year without the concern - she had been empowered to take care of herself by learning more about body. 


More Success Stories

Elizabeth was able to eat more foods, experience less physical discomfort and reactions, keep her hand eczema at bay through diet and other recommended actions. 


Ashley was severely bloated and felt sluggish. Not only does she feel great about her body now, she is much more equipped in moving forward because she now understands what's going on.


Allison used to have eczema for at least 10 yrs. She started the new year without the concern - she had been empowered to take care of herself by learning more about body. 



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Find out if program is right for you in one of these options to connect. 

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Nutrition & Podcast


The sustainable way to feel better  & eliminate food reactions, fatigue, and inflammation.

Nutrition & Podcast


The sustainable way to feel better  & eliminate food reactions, fatigue, and inflammation.