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High-stress teaching to private practice RDN and using love languages with Maria Terry, MS, RD

This week on The Less Stressed Life Podcast, I am joined by Maria Terry. In this episode, we discuss her transition from teaching to private practice RDN & also how she uses the five love languages to support her clients. 


  • What are the five love languages
  • The benefits of...
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Empowered Weight Loss with Lucia Hawley

This week on the Less Stress Life Podcast, I am joined by Lucia Hawley. In this episode, we discuss diet culture, empowered weight loss, and how to end compulsive eating and yoyo dieting with loving, libratory principles.


  • The root cause of weight loss resistance
  • Why dieting is a...
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Lymph Love with Leah Levitan

This week on The Less Stressed Life Podcast, I am joined by Leah Levitan. We dive into all things related to the lymphatic system, including signs and symptoms of lymph stagnation, how to facilitate lymph drainage, and the importance of minerals for lymph drainage.


  • Lymph nodes...
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Workout without burn out for active women with with AI, Hashimotos and hypermobility with Dr. Emily Kiberd

This week on The Less Stressed Life Podcast, I am joined by Dr. Emily Kiberd. In this conversation, we discuss how women can work out without burnout.


  • Why focus on feeding the muscle living with Hashimotos
  • Clinical observation of hypermobility in women with autoimmune conditions,...
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Relationships with money and tenets of financial intimacy with Hannah Koenig

This week on The Less Stressed Life Podcast, I am joined by Hannah Koenig. This episode discusses relationships with money and tenets of financial literacy.


  • The tenets of  financial literacy - emotional, intellectual, experiential intimacy
  • Cultivating financial intimacy &...
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Endometriosis, PMDD and Fibroids with Suzanne Fenske

This week on The Less Stressed Life Podcast, I am joined by Suzanne Fenske, MD of TārāMD. We talk about the conditions that can arise from hormonal imbalances, like Endometriosis, PMDD, and Fibroids.


  • Endometriosis, symptoms, diagnosis, and management
  • What endometriosis...
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Midlife hormones : See Ya late Ovulator with Esther Blum, MS, RD, CNS

This week on The Less Stressed Life Podcast, I am joined by Esther Blum, MS, RD, CNS. In this episode, we discuss all things related to midlife hormones.


Hormone baselines & Meno - Mythbusting
The symptoms of perimenopause and menopause
The benefits of hormone replacement therapy...

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What if you don't think you're stressed and why don't we take good advice? with Britt Lefkoe

In this episode we discussed: 

  • Logical (prefrontal cortex) vs emotional (amygdala) part of the brain and theta state of childhood. 
  • Why we know what to do but we don't do it. 
  • What if we don't feel stressed but we have symptoms that we have it? 
    • Yelling/urgency or rushing,...
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Blood tests for inflammation & inflammation markers, fertility nutrition

Welcome to the Less Stressed Life, where we help women and families overcome fatigue, food sensitivities and inflammation the goal here is really to help you heal yourself.  If this you find this show or episode helpful, repay the favor and share it with a friend or leave me a review on the...

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Online business owners tell all: 6 nutrition business owners share behind the scenes of what's it's like to start, grow or choose nutrition as a second career

I'm taking you on a girls trip with me this week to MN, where I got together with 5 colleagues for a get away, decompress, end of summer business trip.

Business is our lives so we were talking about the things behind the scenes, especially since some of us were newer acquaintances and I forced us...

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Online business owners tell all: 6 nutrition business owners share behind the scenes of what's it's like to start, grow or choose nutrition as a second career part 1

I'm taking you on a girl's trip with me this week to MN, where I got together with 5 colleagues for a get away, decompress, end of summer business trip.

Business is our lives so we were talking about the things behind the scenes, especially since some of us were newer acquaintances and I forced us...

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Adrenal PCOS or hypothalamic amenorrhea? DIY'ing PCOS + food recs and testing for PCOS with Jillian Greaves, MPH, RD

This week on The Less Stressed Life Podcast; I am joined by  Functional Dietitian and Women’s Health Specialist Jillian Greaves MPH, RD. We discuss the different types of PCOS, food recommendations, and testing.


  • PCOS Myths
  • Types of PCOS 
  • Adrenal PCOS Symptoms
  • ...
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If you ever feel bloated for no reason or react to random foods, this 12-minute breathing exercise is for you.

This short recording combines several healing modalities, including an intentional breath pattern that signals relaxation to the vagus nerve. This can improve digestive function and immune health, which impacts food reactions, along with many other benefits.

PMID: 30356789

Breathwork Waiver

Breathwork should never be done while driving or in water. Ask your doctor if you have a serious medical condition.