Reset Retreats

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Are some sugars like honey & maple syrup, better than others? happiness health


Prepping for the 3 day sugar "reset" happening this week and I got a question in my inbox:

Q: Do I have to give up the honey in my golden tea for the sugar reset?

And it got me thinking about the benefits of some of my favorite sugars that I want to share. I'm not encouraging that we...

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Planning for FOCUS, Attaining Goals and Action in 2017 happiness health wealth

We are going to talk about finding your focus, goal setting, execution through action and create purpose driven goals that will save you money. Time management is vital. Forgive yourself right now that you can’t do everything at once. First is you need to score yourself with the following:...

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How do you Want to Feel at the End of the Day? happiness health

People are feeling guilty this week. I want to talk about it in a way that reframes it. You can ask yourself, how do you want to feel at the end of the day? Get a notebook and start writing feelings, ideas and thoughts on it. It’s like a trial and error and you can gain self-awareness.


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What do the Herb Touted more Effective than Drugs? happiness health

So, what’s the herb that is touted more effective than some drugs? Over 6,000 studies say, it’s an effective anti-cancer, pain killer, anti-depressant, anti-inflammation, anti-joint pain, etc. Well, I’m having back to school ‘Zen week’ next week and those are the 3...

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How to make delicious homemade maple almond granola happiness health meal prep wealth

 Homemade granola: the cheaper and better breakfast/snack that lasts all week

About 3 years ago, I started buying granola from my Local Food Co-Op. It was about $10/bag & it disappeared very quickly in my house. The co-op only offered my favorite flavor periodically, so I was...

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Dessert, Breakfast or Snack that makes you Feel Great about in 2-3 Ingredients! happiness health meal prep

Today, I'm going to talk about a dessert or snack that makes you feel great. That's because of it's high content of Omega-3. Good sources of Omega-3 are usually in fish but this is a plant base source of Omega-3. We'll get couple of ingredients and mix them together.


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Food that Improves your Gut Health gut health happiness health


What is the major type of food you could be eating more of to improve your overall health and immunity? Hint: not champagne but it is bubbly! Let me show you some!


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Inflammation 101: Our Friend, Our Enemy, and some Practical Things You can Do happiness health


I’m going to talk about inflammation, what that is and simple things that you could do to combat that everyday. Inflammation was meant to be our friend. It’s how our body naturally respond to injury and stress.


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Thinking about it; from good to great: The Equation for Getting What You Want happiness health

Every morning, I try to have a little personal development in my day, a motivation, or inspiration because that’s what gives me my mojo for today. So, the 3 ingredients from moving from good to great include consistency, patience and competence. It’s like, do I know the route I want...

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Are you disregarding the most free & easy thing you could do for your health? happiness health

Imagine, if you had an organ that took up 2/3 of your body, it would be huge. You would have whole sub-specialties dedicated to it, entire universities, and reserachers and hospital whatever. It would be a big deal. But that's what water in our body. It's 2/3 in our body. In fact infants have 75%...

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4 Ways to Restart a Bad Day! happiness health

These tips are actually from one of my favorite motivational speakers and it’s a little bit more my version today. Couple of days ago, I posted a photo on my personal page that says: Decide, today will be a great day! You can decide and have a great day but how are you going to do that?


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If you ever feel bloated for no reason or react to random foods, this 12-minute breathing exercise is for you.

This short recording combines several healing modalities, including an intentional breath pattern that signals relaxation to the vagus nerve. This can improve digestive function and immune health, which impacts food reactions, along with many other benefits.

PMID: 30356789

Breathwork Waiver

Breathwork should never be done while driving or in water. Ask your doctor if you have a serious medical condition.