Reset Retreats

Are you disregarding the most free & easy thing you could do for your health?

happiness health

Imagine, if you had an organ that took up 2/3 of your body, it would be huge. You would have whole sub-specialties dedicated to it, entire universities, and reserachers and hospital whatever. It would be a big deal. But that's what water in our body. It's 2/3 in our body. In fact infants have 75% water and for elderly, it moves down to 60%. So you see the shift.


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Do you need a detox? 

Getting "too old" to handle alcohol?

Sensitive to smells or metals?

Skin issues?

Detox isn't just juice cleanses & snake oils. It's a process that our body is trying to do all day long.

Take the quiz to find out if it's time for a detox.


Take the Quiz.