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Mouth Taping: The sleep hack you never knew you needed diy energy energy wizard health healthy living mini episodes sleep

Strange as it might sound, mouth taping is a sleep hack that you can try immediately.

Mouth taping is not just a social media trend; it has a scientific backing to explain why it provides better quality sleep at night.

Here are a few of my favorite mouth taping benefits:

  1. Lessens...
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What to pack for feeling your best on vacation healthy living healthy vacation shakeology tips for healthy living travel


Every time our family travels, we get exposed to "fun" new germs, stray from our routines, regular foods and increase our susceptibility to colds and feeling run down.

Don't get me wrong, I love traveling, but I've found that packing a few extra things in my suitcase and keeping some...

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Mold can cause anything from increased allergies/asthma and silly food sensitivities to fatigue, brain fog, thyroid imbalance, and sinus/respiratory issues. It can also cause recurrent illness, vaginal infections, and rashes.

There’s no “escaping” mold, so I think we need to understand this part of nature and regularly reduce unnecessary mold exposure.

Sign up below to receive our guide that walks you through 10 easy ways to reduce mold exposure through regular maintenance + products that will help alleviate mold growth.

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