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Unpopular Tip for Dry skin: Omega 3 healthy skin mini episodes skin

Googling “dry winter skin” will churn out articles from magazines that usually tell you to amp up your winter routine by including moisturizers and decreasing the frequency of hot showers. Although these steps that promote skin moisture help, you have to remember that to...

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Why you need these 6 nutrients for healthy skin christ masterjohn healthy skin less stressed life episode skin nutrients vitamins for healthy skin

A few episodes ago, Chris Masterjohn went on air on the Less Stressed Life podcast show to talk about Nutrients for Skin health.

What profoundly resonated with me was when he said: "What's going on your mouth is a window to the inside of your body."

As an integrative nutritionist, I...

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If you ever feel bloated for no reason or react to random foods, this 12-minute breathing exercise is for you.

This short recording combines several healing modalities, including an intentional breath pattern that signals relaxation to the vagus nerve. This can improve digestive function and immune health, which impacts food reactions, along with many other benefits.

PMID: 30356789

Breathwork Waiver

Breathwork should never be done while driving or in water. Ask your doctor if you have a serious medical condition.